our footprint
- Launched Justice D.P. Wadhwa Insolvency Resource Centre and Archive on Friday, 9th September, 2022.
- Established the Terry Taylor Asian Library of Insolvency Publications to be headquartered in New Delhi.
- Launched National Short Story (Insolvency and Bankruptcy) Contest 2022. Award for the best short story was announced and presented on 4th February, 2023 at the Inaugural Conference.
- Established Insolvency Scholars Forum which invited papers from eminent scholars to be presented at ILA Inaugural Conference held on 4-5 February, 2023 in New Delhi. After peer review, shortlisted papers will be published in the special edition of the prestigious International Insolvency Review Journal.
- Invited to associate with the 2nd International Research Conference by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India and Indian Institute of Management, held in Bangalore, 23-25 February, 2023.
- Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Federation of Indian micro and small & medium Enterprises on Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022 to promote the National Short Story (Insolvency and Bankruptcy) Contest 2022, and collaborate in the areas of research, knowledge development and other areas of common interest.
- Contributed to frame Guidelines for “Out-of-Court Workouts for Asia” Restructuring Project of Asian Business Law Institute, Singapore and International Insolvency Institute.
- On request of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, submitted a paper advocating next generation reforms in insolvency system.
- A Working Group of ILA formulated Code of Conduct for Committee of Creditors comprising Statement of Standards in Conduct and Performance.
- Invited the 2022 batch of Graduate Insolvency Program for a one day interaction session on 25th January, 2023.
- Invited to chair the session on Insolvency Law in Asia at Inaugural conference of Singapore Global Restructuring Initiative (SGRI) held in Singapore on 14th-15th November, 2022.
- Presented a paper at the National Colloquium on Functioning and Strengthening of IBC Ecosystem organised by Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India on 18th-19th November, 2022.
- Invited by INSOL Asia as a speaker at “Strengthening Insolvency Systems in Asia and the Pacific” conference organised by Asian Development Bank, Singapore Management University, Singapore Global Restructuring initiative, University of Chicago Law School’s Center on Law and Finance, University of Cambridge’s Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, and INSOL International held in Manila on 15th-16th December, 2022.
- Invited to deliver training module (in December 2022) in the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK Technical Assistance programme to share knowledge, best practices and build capability in the Insolvency space in India.
- Invited as Special Guest at Indian Valuers Congress 2022 organised by Indian Organisation of Valuers in association with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India in Guwahati, Assam on Friday,16th December, 2022.
- Commenced study to identify the causes for striking under representation of women in the Indian insolvency industry. The findings of the study will be presented at ILA Inaugural Conference.
- Invited by INSOL Asia as a speaker at “Strengthening Insolvency Systems in Asia and the Pacific” conference organised by Asian Development Bank, Singapore Management University, Singapore Global Restructuring Initiative, University of Chicago Law School’s Centre on Law and Finance, University of Cambridge’s Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, and INSOL International held in Manila on 15th- 16th December, 2022.
- Invited as Special Guest at Indian Valuers Congress 2022 organised by Indian Organisation of Valuers in association with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India in Guwahati, Assam on Friday,16th December,
- Commenced a study to identify the causes for striking under representation of women in the Indian insolvency industry. The findings of the study will be presented at ILA Inaugural Conference.
- Invited to submit comments on the public Consultation on Draft UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law. Constituted a working group under the chairmanship of Dr. M.S. Sahoo, Distinguished Professor, NLU Delhi; Former Chairperson, IBBI, to review the Draft and other documents. The Working Group submitted its comments to the UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT on Monday, 20th February, 2023.
- Constituted a working group to formulate Best Practices for Insolvency Professional Entities Registered as Insolvency Professionals.
- Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with INSOL India to explore opportunities, collaborate on research projects and programmes in the area of insolvency and to formulate a joint committee.
- Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UNCITRAL: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law National Coordination Committee India, to set up a joint chair of cross border insolvency in India.
- Established Emerging Scholars Group, a platform to bring together early career academics and young professionals from around the world to systematically develop and mentor young scholars in insolvency.
- Convened the Insolvency Law Academy’s Inaugural conference on Saturday, 4th February, 2023.
- Convened the first Insolvency Scholars Forum Meeting on Sunday, 5th February, 2023.
- Constituted an Informal Working Group of ILA for commenting on critical issues of Securitization of Stressed Assets Framework. The working group submitted its comments on Tuesday, 28th February, 2023.
- Invited to deliver the Indian Insolvency Law module for the 2-credit International Insolvency Law course of Columbia Law School for the year 2023 on Monday,10th April, 2023.
- ILA team visited Sri Lanka to share the Indian Insolvency law reform experience with the stakeholders in Sri Lanka, 27th-28th April, 2023.
- Knowledge partner of 6th Arun Jaitley International Insolvency and Bankruptcy Moot Competition held on 6th May, 2023 organised by the Centre for Transnational Commercial Law, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India and the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and INSOL India.
- Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with OP Jindal Global (Institute of eminence deemed university) to explore cooperation and collaboration on various projects related to insolvency and commercial laws.
- ILA and National Law Institute University, Bhopal, entered into a memorandum of Understanding on 20th May, 2023, to collaborate and undertake research in the areas of cross-border insolvency by establishing the NLIU-ILA chair for Cross Border Insolvency.
- ILA & Dvara Research Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 13th June, 2023 to jointly establish a Chair for Personal Insolvency to serve as a home for various research projects relating to per sonal insolvency and micro, small & medium enterprises.
- ILA & Nepal, Law Campus. Tribhuvan University, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 22nd June, 2023 to explore various avenues of collaboration, to enhance knowledge and for development and capacity building, in field of Insolvency and other areas.
- ILA and UNIDROIT-International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on 2nd July, 2023 to work together in areas of common interest to both the institutions. As a part of collaboration a Round Table discussion was held on the same day to deliberate on two topics of keen interest- Cape Town Convention and the Bank Insolvency.
- ILA and ICFAI Law School entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on 29th July, 2023 and has set up the Regional Centre and Chair for Insolvency and Bankruptcy on Bank Insolvency.
- ILA and Indian International University of Legal Education and Research (IIULER) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on 8th September, 2023 and has set up the Regional Centre for Mediation in Insolvency.
- ILA was the knowledge partner in th Insolvency Practitioners Workshop, Colombo, Sri Lanka organised by the World Bank on 5th October 2023.
- ILA and CNLU Patna entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on 8th October, 2023 and has set up the Regional Centre Centre and Chair on Cross Border Insolvency.
- ILA President visited Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai on 13th October 2023.
- ILA and NLUD, Delhi entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on 19th October, 2023 and has set up the Regional Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy.
- ILA and India Foundation had roundtable discussion on Insolvency Regime in India on 20th October 2023.
- ILA President was invited at the workshop organised by NLUJ, Jodhpur from 3rd – 5th November 2023.
- ILA has partnered up with Kathmandu University to set up the Centre in the Nepal Campus School of Law on 4th December 2023.
- Invited to present two papers in association with Dvara Research Foundation and EY Restructuring LLP at Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL) the research centre was promoted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) the conference on Insolvency was held on 10th – 11th January 2024, Mumbai.
- The INSOL India felicitated ILA President at the IBBI & INSOL India International Conclave held on 20th January 2024 in New Delhi.
- Announced and presented the awards for the best short story International Short Story (Insolvency and Bankruptcy) Contest 2023 at the 2nd ILA Annual Conference held from 9th to 11th February 2024 in Goa.
- Partner of the Round table on mediation in insolvency held on 12th February 2024 at the IIULER Campus, Goa, in association with INSOL
- ILA President was invited in inaugural working group on Insolvency and Climate Change held in Washington D.C, U.S.A on
22nd-24th February 2024.