

Insolvency Law Academy (ILA) is an institute of excellence in insolvency. One of the hallmarks of ILA is to develop a community in pursuit of education, research and scholarship in the field of insolvency. ILA has taken a number of initiatives to promote this objective. The Insolvency Scholars Forum was established in the year 2022, to bring together such a community, and build a formidable cadre of insolvency scholars.

To systematically develop and mentor young scholars in insolvency, ILA has set up in the year 2023, the Emerging Scholars Group (ESG) – a platform to bring together early career academics and young professionals from around the world.

The ILAThinkFactory is another initiative to gather a community of scholars, academics and thinkers to participate in global discourse by contributing articles and blogs, on approaches to national and international laws and practices.

The articles and blogs in all the three categories of ILAThinkFactory – The ILA Lens, The Insolvency Prism and The ESG Keyboard can be contributed to only by invitation and must strictly observe the submission guidelines.

The ILA Lens

The section includes both, blogs and articles contributed by the in-house team members. 

The Insolvency Prism

The section includes articles and blogs contributed by academicians, industry leaders and experts, including esteemed members of the ILA Global Advisory Board, Ideation Council and Insolvency Scholars Forum.

The ESG Keyboard

The section includes articles and blogs by Emerging Scholars Group members and those invited by the ESG Leadership to contribute.

Guidelines for Submission

  1. We prefer submissions that offer cogent and concise analysis of current legal developments.
  2. Currently, we are accepting contributions in English.
  3. An article must be between 1500-3500 words in length. We request you to note that the submission limit can vary based on editorial discretion and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A blog must be between 600-1500 words in length.
  4. All submissions must include a title, a brief  of 50-100 words and a biography in the forwarding email.
  5. An article must contain an abstract of not more than 100 words.
  6. To make submission more discoverable, we request that you provide 4-5 keywords.
  7. All submissions must include hyperlinks when required. All appropriate sources, such as cases, articles, legislations, international instruments, or other relevant materials must be cited. Footnotes must be at the end of the article. Please follow the OSCOLA citation style.
  8. In case of any plagiarism found in the submitted article, it will be rejected. ILAThinkFactory maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism.
  9. Co-authorship is allowed for up to two individuals, and we kindly ask that you inform ILA of your co-authorship. Please make sure to include the details of your co-author(s) on the email containing the primary submission.
  10. Submissions (when invited) to be emailed to us at: Please include the title of your contribution along with your name [Format: ILA_First Name_Last Name_Article Title in the subject of the email.
  11. We will respond to all submissions within two to three weeks to provide an update on the status of your contribution. Please note that in certain circumstances, we may accept a submission but offer suggestions, modifications, or alterations that may be necessary.
  12. While making your submission, please disclose if the submission is original and previously unpublished. If it is a pre-published article or blog or is under review for any other platform, please inform us.
  13. ILA has the absolute right to not publish any article or blog and remove any published article or blog, without assigning any reason.
  14.  When a submission made on ILAThinkFactory is published by the author on any other platform subsequently, the author will disclose that the submission was first published on ILAThinkFactory.
  15. ILA does not provide any monetary compensation for publishing articles and blogs on any of the ILA platforms. ILA reserves right to use and make available for use, the submissions on ILAThinkFactory for its various research projects and other initiatives. 


Please note that the ILAThinkFactory is a platform for legal practitioners and academicians to express their views on developments in insolvency and bankruptcy laws. Views expressed in an article submission and other contributions on ILAThinkFactory are those of the authors, made in their personal capacity.

ILA and ILAThinkFactory do not:

  • Support, affirm or take any form of responsibility of the views taken by authors submitting their articles and blogs to this platform;

  • Take responsibility for any content that may have been plagiarized by an author. While ILA hopes to ensure that articles carry no plagiarized material, we do not guarantee that no such plagiarized material is present on our platform; or

  • Take responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information available on sites operated by third parties. ILA does not endorse these sites or the information contained therein.

  • The authors / contributors submitting any contribution towards ILAThinkFactory agree to indemnify ILA and ILAThinkFactory from and against all claims, suits, and damages based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or unauthorized use.