Insolvency law academy nepal initiative
Insolvency Law Academy and Nepal Law Campus have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore various avenues of collaboration to enhance knowledge development and capacity building in the field of insolvency and related areas. This strategic partnership aims to facilitate a robust exchange of ideas, research, and best practices, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the advancement of insolvency and bankruptcy law.
The MoU signing ceremony was held on 22nd June, 2023 at Nepal Law Campus, which was attended by distinguished personalities, including Mr. Krishna Prasad Bashyal, the Dean of the Faculty of Law. Mr. Sumant Batra and Dr. D.N Parajuli, Campus Chief of Nepal Law Campus, inked the agreement, solidifying their commitment to cooperation and development.
The partnership is expected to yield numerous benefits, such as the development of specialised training programs, joint research initiatives, and academic exchanges. By pooling their expertise and resources, both institutions aim to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of insolvency law, equipping legal professionals, students, and practitioners with the necessary skills to navigate the intricacies of the field. The focus will be on continuous learning, research, and collaboration. Through this partnership, both institutions are committed to contributing to the growth of insolvency and bankruptcy law in Nepal, thereby benefiting the legal community and the nation as a whole.
ILA and leading professionals and experts have agreed to form a Special Interest Group of lawyers, accountants, bankers and academics to build awareness about the benefits of a sound insolvency system and insolvency profession.