

Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346 of 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings

Decree-Law No. 53/2004, dated 18 March

Decree law no. 201/2004 August 18 (Conciliation Out-of-Court Procedure for the Viability of Insolvent)

Decree Law 32/2004, 22nd of July (Establishing the Legal Framework for Insolvency Managers)

Decree law no. 316/1998 of October 20th (Conciliation Proceedings) amended by Decree law no. 201/2004

Código Civil


The resources material has been collated by Insolvency Law Academy from multiple sources including from the websites of the multilateral organisations and international institutions, which have produced such rich content with the help of experts. Insolvency Law Academy takes no credit for this content. The material has only been organised to assist the insolvency fraternity with efficient research.