Prof. D. Srinivasa Chary

Prof. D. Sreenivasa Chary
Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting, ICFAI Business School, IFHE, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Sreenivasa Chary. D, ardently believes in service, as the way of life. According to him a career should facilitate a person to lead a comfortable life and give life to others. Dr. Chary feels that banking, especially Branch Manager’s position is a God given opportunity to kindle a ray of hope and self-dependence in the poor and educated unemployed, by extending timely bank finance. Dr. Chary worked in Syndicate Bank from 1974 to 2004. Out of the 30 years of service in Bank, for about 10 years he was Branch Head in 3 branches, Faculty members / Teacher for about 5 years, a Specialist Officer in Foreign Exchange for 5 years, Group Head of Very large / Large advances for about 2 years and for 8 years in General banking. He was applauded as best manager for timely finance and recovery of loans. While working in the Bank, Dr. Chary was a guest faculty to IIBF, Sub-Centre Hyderabad for 13 years. Satisfaction from work is inexplicable, it is to be experienced.
“As long as I live so long do I learn” – a quote of Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa, influenced several people in the world. While working in Bank at its Branches / Offices in different parts of the country, and while working at IBS, Hyderabad, Dr. Chary did not leave any opportunity to strengthen his academic profile. He did M.A in Public Administration (1981) from Utkal University, CAIIB (1982) from Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (1985) from Bhavans, Bachelor of Academic Laws (1986) from Annamalai University, Bachelor of Education (1987) from Annamalai University, MBA -Finance (1991) from Institute of Public Enterprises, Osmania University, Master of Philosophy (2008) from Madurai Kamaraj University, LLB (2008) from Osmania University. Dr. Chary aspired to become a Bachelor /Doctor of Medicine. But he could not. He is cherishing his dream by becoming Doctor of Philosophy in Banking (2017), while working at IBS and serving the student community by diagnosing their educational needs, and imparting the right education for their bright careers.
Teaching is a holy profession. A teacher acts as a catalyst to enable the students to shape their future. Dr. Chary, a practical banker, joined IBS Hyderabad in the year 2007, and continuing with it. He teaches diversified subjects like Financial Management, Strategic Finance Management, Project Appraisal and Finance, Investment Banking and Financial Services, Wealth Management, Banking Management, Treasury Management, Legal Environment of Business, Company Law and Taxation, Commercial Law, International Banking, Business Law and Ethics, Management Control Systems, Risk Management in Banks, Corporate and SME Banking and the unique course offered by IBS named Syndicated Learning programme. Dr. Chary associates himself in updating the course curriculum of different subjects to suit the industry requirements, and enriches the course delivery with his rich experience as an academician and practical banker. His sessions are well received by the student community.