Sri Lanka Insolvency Eco-system Development Support

The ILA team visited Colombo from April 26th to 28th, 2023. During this visit, meetings were held with variousĀ stakeholders to gain a better understanding of Sri Lankaā€™s ongoing efforts to reform its insolvency laws and theĀ best practices adopted by it. It is evident that the banking sector has been able to survive the economic crisis.Ā But as the impact of the economic crisis unfolds in the months to come, there is likely to be a surge inĀ distressed assets, exposing the banks to the risk of loan defaults and a rise in non-performing assets. TheĀ present insolvency framework is not designed to provide an effective and efficient resolution to distressedĀ assets. There appears to be an increase in the levels of household debt. It appears the existing personalĀ insolvency law (based on Roman-Dutch law) is not used by lenders or borrowers. Insolvency is consideredĀ stigmatic and the concept of a second chance for the unfortunate defaulter has not developed. However, thereĀ is a need to gather data and research in this area.


It was agreed to set up a bi-lateral roundtable by ILA and Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Sri Lanka (BRIPASL) to serve as a platform for continuous dialogue and the exchange of knowledge with ILA.


The World Bank is supporting insolvency law reform in Sri Lanka through a technical assistance programme. The World Bank and ILA have decided to collaborate and join efforts to build and develop a robust insolvency industry in Sri Lanka.