Regional Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy - Nepal
Insolvency Law Academy has partnered up with Kathmandu University (KU) for setting up the Regional Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Regional Centre) in the campus of School of Law. The Center will facilitate learning and research in insolvency, transfer of knowledge, and interaction between students from Nepal and India.
It will serve as a platform for carrying out joint activities of ILA and Nepal. Various projects of knowledge development, research and capacity building in insolvency, and related areas will be carried out. Both the organizations will work together towards the development of a cadre of insolvency academics and scholars in Nepal.
A sub-group of students from KU, NLU, Delhi, IIULER, Goa, ICFAI, Hyderabad has been set up to plan and lead the activities of the Center.
A Steering Committee comprising of four (4) members, with two (2) members each representing ILA and Law School has been formed to discuss the projects and programs for collaboration under the MOU.

Dr. Rishi Wagle
      ( Chair Regional Centre)
Professor of Law and Dean at Kathmandu University School of Law