- Serve as an independent think tank for public good through deep research and sharing of learnings with the policy makers and the insolvency industry.
- Act as an independent research centre that can contribute to robust policy making by studying the impact of the insolvency framework, investigating its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on a regular and on-going basis, and providing evidence and feedback to the policy makers, institutions (which implement the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code), and the market players.
- Aim to develop a community in pursuit of education, research, and scholarship in the field of insolvency in India.
- To strengthen the interaction between the government and academics in public policy making in due course.
- Collaborate with the National Company Law Tribunal, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, the Central and State Governments, Reserve Bank of India, Indian Banks’ Associations, financial institutions, industry members, like-minded researchers and other institutions, and other stakeholders in the insolvency industry.
- Assist in the development of a world class soft infrastructure for the insolvency industry; mentor the otential leaders of insolvency industry through niche educational and training programmes.
- Collaborate as technical partner in judicial colloquiums, conferences, seminars and workshops, by producing technical content, designing the technical programme, identifying and sourcing speakers.
- Serve as a robust network of academics, scholars, insolvency experts, jurists, stakeholders, and others interested in area of insolvency who meet on a regular basis.
- Undertake knowledge sharing, capacity building and other educational activities to advance its central role.
- Keep a close eye on both, the rear view mirror and the future of the insolvency system.
- Set up a go-to-forum for mediation that facilitates dispute resolution between the parties across cultures, jurisdictions and borders, through a consensual, inexpensive and expedition process.
- Help in preparing the foreground for implementation of the insolvency and bankruptcy law for individuals, make suitable recommendations to policy makers to provide a cost-effective, accessible and simple framework for resolution of individual insolvency and provide a dignified exit cum second chance; and focus on developing a strategy for dealing with the issue of stigma.
- Act as the torchbearer in the field of cross border insolvency law by providing education and training in this field.
- Share Indian experience with other jurisdictions.