Prof. Christopher J. Symes

Prof. Christopher J. Symes

Professor Emeritus
The University of Adelaide, Australia

Prof. Christopher J. Symes is a Professor of Law and Dean at the University of Adelaide in Australia. He has taught and researched corporate and insolvency law for nearly three decades and has published in peer-reviewed journals on many issues relating to corporate and personal insolvency law, including litigation and dispute management.

He is the author of 9 books, including the standard text used for Australian insolvency law students. His current research includes the identification of occupational limitations for bankrupts, reforming the role of directors in insolvency, and an historical and theoretical analysis of Australia’s insolvency laws. He is also the co-founder and co-director of ROCIT, the research unit for the Regulation of Companies, Insolvency and Taxation, Australia’s first dedicated insolvency research unit, which is based in Adelaide.

Christopher holds a PhD, a Masters of Law, a Masters of Education and is admitted as a barrister and solicitor in the High Court of Australia. He is the editor of the Australian Journal of Corporate Law.